September 5, 2019

Be an instrument of the universe, Not a Saviour of it.

Saving the world without saving oneself is a myth. How can one save the world without being tremendously sensitive?
Have we watched our own actions -
with this tightness, this exclusivity of my, mine,
this stiffness,
this love that is limited to only my own,
this being that is never at the total stillness, rarely at peace
How can we save the world with such a being ?

To save the world
Save oneself
Know oneself

Be silent, be still
Be sensitive, restful, at ease 
In an all-inclusive lovingness

Only such a being can be sensitive to the universe, to know where my intrusion is not needed

The universe is in perfect harmony -Tathata.
Only our disharmony blocks us from seeing it as truth.

Who or what is breathing us every moment?
If the next breath does not come, the world stops to exist for us.
But it is continuing our breath in some harmony.

The universe is flowing in perfect harmony and we are part of it, not outside or separate from it.

First and foremost, we need to harmonize our own being in tune with the universe.
Being all-inclusive, loving, subtle, soft, serene, so quiet that our presence is totally non-interfering with the universe.
And then let the universe decide how to use us as an instrument.

Be an instrument of the universe
Not a Saviour of it.
Be a humble servant of the power
Not an egoistic master of it.
Only then some light can flow through us
something of value can be shared by us.

- Tanu Shree


  1. 👌🏽👌🏽🙏💖💕😍
    Great indeed.

  2. Lovely! . M sharing it..

  3. Anonymous3:33 AM

    Thankyou for sharing this 🙏🏼


Thanks for your message :)