April 27, 2010

Do you reside 'IN'

Only my heart knows what is right for me
only my heart...
oh dear God, do you reside 'IN'

I am just a creation of you...

who when feels thirsty,
you have created water to satisfy the thirst

who when feels hungry,
you have created food to satisfy the hunger

I am just a creation of you...
the whole of me belongs to you

you tell me the way, the path,  through my heart...
oh dear God, do you reside 'IN'

When you created me
something of 'You' must have entered in 'Me'
that makes my body move so gracefully
that brings out tears through the eyes
that brings a smile on the face
that makes my body dance in the rain
that makes my body melt being with my beloved
that leaves my body lie on the ground and perish, when I die

When you created me
something of 'You' must have entered in 'Me'

tell me, 'O God'
Is my heart linked to your communication mechanism

tell me, 'O God'
where this life in me comes from?
where is the source?
who am I?

tell me, 'O God'
I seek your help
I seek to meet the real 'me'
I seek you 'within'
oh dear God, do you reside 'IN'

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